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Detailed information about our data.

37 articles
What information on persons is available in Roaring?
How do I access the population register in Norway?
Delegate right for Roaring to access the population register in Norway
Signing rights administrative matters (adminSign)
Apply for access to the Norwegian population register
Apply for access to Swedish population registration information
What is a CFAR-number?
How to acquire access to SPAR through Roaring
What information is the company rating based on?
What is a company's commune?
What do we mean by "workplace"?
Company status and start date
What does "company signatories" mean?
What is the difference between the "number of employees" in the two different services?
VAT numbers in Roaring
How much ownership is needed for a person or company to show as an owner of a company?
Signing rights administrative matters (adminSign)
What is tax domicile?
What is SNI?
Apply for access to population registration data in Finland
When is a company considered Active?
What data can be retrieved from the Swedish population register API?
What is a coordination number?
What is the difference between a social security number and a coordination number?
Country codes from det sentrale folkeregister (DSF) in Norway.
What is Protected Identity?
givenNameCode in Swedish population register
How do I recognize a Coordination Number?
Apply for access to population registration information in Denmark
Is Roaring a SPAR delegate?
Apply for access to Swedish population registration information
Kreditbeslut Företag
What source does Roaring have for population registration data?
When does an incident need to be reported to Datainspektionen?
PEP and RCA Data
Company Search
Alternative Beneficial Owner