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Company Search

Find out more about how company search works, and how it differs from company information.

Updated over 11 months ago

Company Search enables searching for a specific company or a selection of companies based on free text and variables such as, geography, company type, number of employees etc., perfect for creating prospect list for example.

With the Company Search API you use certain query parameters in order to retrieve a list of organisations that meets these requirements. The response will provide you with a Roaring generated ID which is a placeholder for the real one, as the API is free of charge.

With this placeholder company ID, you can call all Roaring API's. In order to retrieve the real company ID, you can call the Company Information API which is available in all countries as well.

The response will result in the same answer as in Roaring Web, with the same search parameters. Here you can see the fictive company ID, eg. "_re9ff68c3edaf0372a6a301b782269b42"

If you wish to retrieve the real company ID in the Company Search response without calling the Company Information API, an extra set fee is eligible each month:

Price per month

1000 SEK

1000 NOK

100 EUR

Do you want to read more about Company Search and see our documentation? Click here.

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