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About PEP (Politically Exposed Person)
About PEP (Politically Exposed Person)

Check our global and Nordic PEP lists to ensure AML compliance, avoid risks and conduct risk assessments - learn all about it here!

Updated over 3 weeks ago

How do I get access to the PEP service?

As an administrator you can easily ask for access to PEP (Politically Exposed Person):
Go to Admin in the left menu, choose admin and then permission. Click on the three dots on the far right, and select "request access" to fill in the form. We will review your request and either accept or deny it.

NOTE! For us to approve access to the service Politically Exposed Person it requires that your company activities are covered by the EU Money Laundering Directive and the Money Laundering Act (MLA).

How do I find a PEP?

When searching for a person who is PEP-classified, you can use one or more of the following information. Note that it is only in Sweden that you can use your social security number (personnummer) to search for a PEP. In other cases, it is required that you at least state both first name and last name.

This information can be used to find a PEP:

  • First name

  • Surname

  • Social security number (only in Sweden)

  • Date of birth

  • Country

Should I use Nordic or Global PEP?

If the person has a PEP role in a Nordic country, you will receive a hit in the Nordic PEP service. You can also get hits at people in certain international organizations who meet certain criteria in the Union of International Association's categorization (simply described organizations established by intergovernmental treaties between two or more countries).

If, for example, a Nordic person were to be a board member of a French state-owned company, you would not discover it in our Nordic PEP service.

If you want to know if a Nordic person is PEP in a non-Nordic country (if they are politicians in that country, for example), our Nordic PEP service is not enough and you will have to use the Global PEP service instead.

Politically exposed person (PEP) and Relatives and Close Associates (RCA)

A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent function, such as for example head of state or government, judicial or military officials or senior executives of state owned corporations. Many PEPs hold positions that can be abused for the purpose of laundering illicit funds or other predicate offenses such as corruption or bribery. The PEPs relatives and close associates (RCA) could also be abused and are therefore included in this special area of high risk.

If a customer is considered as a politically exposed person, the firm must take enhanced KYC measures, such as always finding out the origin of the assets processed in a business relationship or in an individual transaction. An approval from senior management is required before establishing a customer relationship with a PEP.

When a politically exposed person has ceased to perform their functions, the enhanced measures shall be applied for a minimum of 18 months and until it is considered that the person no longer poses a risk of money laundering or terrorist financing.

PEP in the Roaring Web App

We have a separate guide for some know-how's regarding PEP in the Roaring Web App.

For how long does a person stay in the PEP registers?

There are different rules for the Nordic and the Global PEP register.

Nordic: a person with a PEP-classified assignment is classified as a PEP person for a further 18 months after the most recently completed PEP assignment.

In the response from our APIs, this means that the assignment can be marked as inactive ('active' set to 'false') whilst the person is still classified as PEP for 18 months.

​Global: A person will remain in the register for longer than 18 months after not being PEP any longer, but with an 'inactive' status.

Read more about our service here!

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