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Sanction and Global PEP search in Roaring Web
Sanction and Global PEP search in Roaring Web

Read more about Sanction- and Global PEP search in Roaring Web and how to activate this service.

Updated over 5 months ago

If you wish to enable sanction and global PEP search on Roaring web, you need to activate this functionality first. You, as an Admin user only, do this by logging on to and clicking on 'Admin' -> 'Settings' -> 'Add search form for Global PEP & Sanction Search' as in the picture below.

After this you will be able to search for global PEP and sanctions in our webversion. There will be a new window beneath the 'new search' one, called 'global search'. Here, you also pick what sanction lists you wish to see.

Board members and beneficial owners
You can screen board members and (alternative) beneficial owners on company level for PEP. This is easily done by doing a search for the company in our search field and thereafter click on the 'Board members' or 'Beneficial owners' tab.

After you have clicked on one of these options (or even both) you can click on the button called 'Screen PEP & Sanction':

Here you choose either both, or at least one of the alternatives above and screen board members or beneficial owners for PEP.

For Sweden, we search with a complete social security number in order to find a person and check them for PEP and.

In other countries, we match full name and date of birth or in some cases personal number as well. This means that if you receive a hit for PEP person outside Sweden, a further manual check should be done to ensure that it is about the right person.

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