The monitoring service for Swedish population registration information works in a slightly different way than our regular webhooks. The difference is that it is required that a list with social security number is uploaded to the Swedish Tax Agency, Roaring does not save a copy of the list. From this list, changes are then sent via our webhook service.
When you want to test your integration in sandbox during development, there are 2 steps you need to know:
1. Create monitoring lists
There are two ways to manage watchlists, by calling our API or by uploading a .csv or .json. list logged in to
1.1 Upload list via API
You can upload a list using our API "Person Register Monitoring" which you will find under the tab "APIs".
1.2 Upload file via web interface
You can upload a list via our web interface logged in to
The file upload dialog also contains sample files that you can use as a template.
2. Create webhook and perform test calls
Create a webhook by selecting your uploaded list and enter a url of yours that you want us to send the changes to.
Now that you have created a webhook, you can make test calls and send out changes to your webhook.
More information
Webhook documentation here
API documentation here