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How does your credits system work?
How does your credits system work?

When collecting or verifying data, you consume "credits" in our services. But what does that mean?

Updated over 3 months ago

Besides your set monthly fee when a subscriber at Roaring, you pay a fee based on your consumption. For each data you chose to collect, you consume an amount of credits. How many credits are consumed are different from API to API.

All consumed credits are totalled at the end of the month and charged accordingly. The more credits you use, the better the price per API, see image below:


A company consumes according to the follow data collection:

  • 20x PEP searches

  • 10x Owner Structure searches

  • 20x Company Information searches

  • 50x Beneficial Owner searches

Consumption in credits: 4,400

Consumption in SEK: 880 SEK (4,400x0,2)

You can follow your consumption of credits while logged into Go to "Billing & Pricing" via the bento menu, then you'll se "Consumption" to the left.

Du kan följa din förbrukning av credits i inloggat läge på Gå till "Fakturering & Priser" via bentomenyn. Du kommer sedan se "Konsumering" till vänster.

More information about our pricing is to be found in the following links:
Pricing Roaring integration suite (SV)
Pricing Roaring integration suite (EN)

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