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Population register API - New version 2.0
Population register API - New version 2.0

Information regarding changes from version 1.0 to version 2.0

Updated over a week ago

Population register SE 1.0 - API (Sweden) is coming to its product lifecycle end. The API will be replaced with Population Register 2.0 SE.

- Version 1.0 will be available for existing API customers during a period of time, we urge any customer to start planning for a transition to the new version as soon as possible

- Any New integrations must be done using Version 2.0

- New Version with documentation can be found here

More information about the changes between the API versions is found below

New data in version 2.0 vs version 1.0

  • The type of person id is shown - personal number, coordination number or immunity number

  • A new type of person protection is introduced: “Protected in the National register” (Skyddad folkbokföring). This is in addition to the secrecy flag (Sekretessmarkering). Also, there is new information showing if SPAR has set the secrecy flag because of the protection in the National register. To read more about the different kinds of secrecy/protection:

  • A new Residence Status Code shows whether the persons residence is the populationRegistrationAddress, the municipality or if it is unknown

  • SPAR has aligned the address information to a legal perspective.

    • Population registration address - only for persons legally registered as living in Sweden (folkbokförd).

    • Special Postal address - for persons with another postal address than the population registration address

    • Foreign address - for emigrated persons

    • Contact address - for persons identified by a coordination number

  • More detailed deregistration codes. The codes are two positions long instead of one. This means that the reasons have become more detailed. For older records, the old codes still exist, if they don´t correspond exactly to new codes.

  • Date for deregistration set for all deregistration codes (earlier only for death).

  • When a person dies, a specific death date is set. It is the same date as deregistration date when deregistration reason is Deceased.

  • More information about Coordination numbers available:

    • status of the coordination number

    • inactivation reason

    • dates of attribution, expected inactivation, actual inactivation, renewal and death.

    • Address for persons with a coordination number - “Contact address”

  • Only for customers with authority to see Taxation: Income year replaces taxation year

  • Only for customers with authority to see Relation: In relation, SPAR changes the name of deregistrationDate to deathDate. Note that SPAR only discloses a date if the reason of deregistration is deceased.

Changes in endpoints

Endpoint for history removed as separate endpoint. Historical information is included in the GetCurrent and GetFull endpoints. Information is historical if there is a historical date in a dateTo element.

Changes in delivery format in version 2.0 vs version 1.0

Note that when using fallback, there are some deviations, see separate section.

The delivery format has been updated and some of the element names as well. The new format aims to better align both with SPAR´s register and Roaring´s Population Register services for other countries.

  • Element personalNumber changed name to personId, and there is a new element, personIdType.

  • ActualPersonId field is removed

  • New type of person protection: Records . PersonProtection . protectedInRegister

  • New secrecy element with subelements secrecy(boolean) and a new flag secrecySet BySpar

  • secrecyChangeDate has changed name to secrecyDate

  • deregistrationReason has changed name to deregistrationReasonCode

  • Deregistration codes can have two positions, old one-position codes will also exist

  • New elements regarding deceased: deathDate and foundDeathDate

  • Addresses: Possible address types are:

    • populationRegistrationAddress (Folkbokföringsadress)

    • SpecialPostalAddress (Särskild postadress)

    • ForeignAddress (Utlandsadress)

    • ContactAddress (new type, only for persons identified by a coordination number)

  • Addresses: The above addresses can have one of these address formats:

    • SwedishAddress - possible for populationRegistrationAddress, PostalAddress, ContactAddress

    • InternationalAddress - possible for PostalAddress, ForeignAddress and ContactAddress

  • Name gets its own sub element.

  • PopulationRegistrationInfo (Folkbokföring) gets its own sub element. MunicipalityCode has been moved from PopulationRegistrationAddress to PopulationRegistrationInfo and renamed (earlier: communeCode)

  • New element districtCode in PopulationRegistrationInfo

  • Removed element: Congregation code for populationRegistrationAddress (Folkbokföringsadress)

  • New element residenceStatusCode for whether the persons residence is the populationRegistrationAddress, the municipality or unknown

  • Person id change information gets its own sub element, PersonIdChangeInformation, with a type which shows the direction of change. (In the previous version, there were instead one “personalNumberChangedFrom” and one “personalNumberChangedTo” element). Note that for persons with coordination number, there can be more than one change information object, and the direction of the change is not always known.

  • ActualPersonId (boolean) has been removed.

  • Only for customers with authority to see relations: new field for deathDate. It holds the same date as the deregistration date. SPAR only sets a date when the relation is deregistered reason is deceased.

  • Only for customers with authority to see relations: Code values for relationType changed to more descriptive values, but with the same meanings

  • Only for customers with authority to see Taxation: taxationYear is replaced from SPAR, new element: incomeYear

  • Only for customers with authority to see Taxation: New object Income with aggregatedIncome and incomeYear as sub elements

  • Only for customers with authority to see Taxation: communeCode changed name to municipalityCode

Data limitations between the government managed API’s and our Fallback data partners API

Important note: There is some data difference between the government managed API’s and our Fallback data partners API. Below is the limitations of the Fallback (cached copy)


Only individuals 16 years and older are included
Only personal numbers, not coordination or immunity numbers are included

Data details which are not available in the fallback/cached copy

Reference to old personal or coordination number
Residence status code
“Protected in the National register” (Skyddad folkbokföring) and “Secrecy set by Spar” (“Secrecy” flag is available)
Contact address
Deregistration date and death date
District code
Name history, and start date of current name
Shortened name
Start date of address missing if there is no address history for the person
Swedish citizen flag (only relevant for authorities like the Police and Customs etc, others don´t ever get access to this)
Income/Taxation/Real estate information (only relevant for authorities like the Police and Customs etc, others don´t ever get access to this)

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