We are happy to announce the release of our brand new service Company documents, available both through API and in Roaring's Web application.
This means that you now can learn more about your customers with one click or call, mitigating risks and know exactly who you are doing business with.
The available documents are as follows:
Annual reports (Årsredovisningar)
Available as both regular annual reports and interim reports that are published by certain companies, covering only a part of their financial year. This also includes the auditors report.
Get better insights in your customers' or suppliers' financial situation by fetching the documents directly in our API or Web application.
Registration certification (Registreringsbevis)
Easily identify who you are doing business with by checking out the Registration certification through Roaring.
Meeting minutes (Mötesprotokoll)
See all meeting minutes for a company containing information about the meeting and in some cases attendants.
Articles of association (Bolagsordningar)
Fetch more extensive information about the company you are doing business with by checking out the Articles of association.
By-laws / Articles of association non-limited (Stadgar)
Solely available for non-financial organisations and housing associations. Provides you with more information about the organisations/associations purposes and goals.
Financial plan (Ekonomisk plan)
Solely available for non-financial organisations and housing associations. Provides you with information on the future financial plans for the organisations.
Read more about pricing here.
Are you a developer? Read the API docs here.
As always, let us know if there are any questions regarding this by emailing us at [email protected] or through our chat in the bottom right of the screen.