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Risk template settings

Read more in this article about risk template settings and a description of its indicators.

Updated over 3 months ago

In order to get going with either the Risk Indicator API, or your custom risk indicators in Roaring's web application, you need to set your risk template. This template is to be found under "Settings" in the menu when logged on to

See a list with all risk indicators and a description in the list below.

Please note that we will be adding new indicators continuously in order to improve automated risk analysis even more.

Changes to base company information

Includes all changes to basic company information such as if a company has an active statuts or not and how many employees the company has. Also, the indicators mentioned below, address changes, company tax registration, company VAT registration and company registration age are included in the amount of changes set.

Address changes

When a company moves from one address to another this might imply a risk. Set here how many address changes in a specific period that you consider to be a risk.

Company tax registration

See if a company has registered for tax. Activate if you consider it to be a risk if a company has not done so.

Company VAT registration

See if a company has registered for VAT. Activate if you consider it to be a risk if a company has not done so.

Company registration age

A company that has not been registered for too long ago might be considered a risk doing business with. Select the period of time you wish has passed in order to not trigger the risk indicator.

Changes to industry code

A large amount of changes to the industry code might be a indicator for risk. Select the amount of changes during a specific period of time to decide how many changes should trigger the risk indicator.

​Sum of bankruptcies associated to the board

A bankruptcy attached to a board member might indicate a risk. Select how many bankruptcies for each separate board member you are willing to accept before the risk indicator is triggered. This risk indicator regards the amount of bankruptcies per board member for a specific company.

Bankrupt companies connected to the board

A bankruptcy attached to a board member might indicate a risk. Select how many bankruptcies for each separate board member you are willing to accept before the risk indicator is triggered. This risk indicator regards the amount of historical bankruptcies for all companies, per board member.

Changes to board members

Many changes to a company's board could indicate a certain risk. Set the amount of changes in a specific period of time to trigger a risk indicator.

Mean age of board members

A low age for board members might indicate a risk for your business. Select the age span that you wish to trigger the risk indicator. (specify how it is calculated, right now only full years)

Employee contribution registration

See if the company is registered for employee contribution and trigger the indicator if this is not the case.

Revenue per employee

If the revenue per employee is low, this might indicate a risk when doing business with a customer or partner. Select the revenue (in kSEK) per employee that you expect a company to have, if this amount is not met the risk indicator will be triggered.

Missing auditor

Not having an auditor might implicate a risk. This risk indicator will be triggered if there is no auditor present. (only AB, add)

Legal presence (Compliance template only)

See if any of the company's representatives (board members and beneficial owners) are mentioned in legal documents. Select the amount of legal occurrences you wish to trigger the risk indicator.

PEP representatives (Compliance template only)

Check if there are any representatives (board members and beneficial owners) on the Nordic PEP list and trigger the indicator based on the amount selected.

Risk industries

Choose up to 10 SNI codes that you see as risk industries in order to indicate risk from potential customers or suppliers.

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